“She never compromises, loves babies and surprises, wears high heels when she exercises. Ain’t it beautiful? Meet Virginia.” – Train
During my second visit back on the road, I headed to fellow CC Jillian’s alma mater, Roanoke College, to visit the Gamma Eta Chapter! Roanoke is such a pretty campus, even though we didn’t have very good weather while I was visiting. It reminded me so much of Hanover. I stayed at the “Monterey House” on campus, which just so happens to be one of the most haunted places in the U.S. I slept just fine and didn’t have any ghost encounters. Every morning when I would meet the chapter, the first thing they would ask was, "Well...how did you sleep last night? Did you see any ghosts? Were you freaked out at all??" The only problem I ran into was the fact that my computer has a 3-prong plug and the only outlets in the house were made for 2-prong plugs because the house was so old. No worries though, a quick trip to Walmart solved that problem – just something to add to the packing list for next year’s CC’s!
as Jillian described it to me, "God's gift to Earth"
The best part of my trip to Roanoke was getting to see my sister friend and fellow CC Lauren! She is the resident consultant at James Madison University this spring. She drove down on her day off to get brunch with me on one of my free mornings. We had the best time catching up and pretty much spent 2 hours just laughing at each other. As always, it’s great to see a familiar face on the road, and I’m so grateful for the friends I’ve made this year!
she may kill me for this, but she ordered the entire menu
And I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I could never survive this year without the other consultants! We have less than a month left, so get ready for the most emotional and sentimental blog to be coming about the friends I’ve made this year. Can’t say I didn’t warn you!