Now Playing: "Low" Flo-Rida

"It was 5 years later on a southbound plane, I was headed down to New Orleans to meet some friends of mine for Mardi Gras." - Tim McGraw

I’m finally all settled into my room in New Orleans!  I flew in last night and got a good night’s sleep for the first time all week, so I’m feeling all ready to go.  But, first things first: my visit to the University of Florida!  I've been to Florida many times before but never to Gainesville.  I sure have missed that Florida sunshine, so I've already started looking at flights over Christmas to visit my grandparents in the sunshine state!

we finally got the sign to hang
...10 minutes before the party started! 

I had a great visit and met some pretty cool people along the way!  I was lucky enough to have a morning off, so I headed over to the Swamp!  It was fun to take a nice run around campus, and you better believe I ran some stair laps throughout the stadium!  Sure, some people looked at me like I was crazy...I just smiled and kept running :)  I can only imagine what it’s like on game days there…

 best. workout. ever.

Speaking of game days, these girls wore game day dresses specially made for round 1 of recruitment – so cute.  What’s even better is seeing them wobble in those dresses…hilarious.  We needed an energizer and that was my solution!

not a fan of the orange and blue but they pull it off well!

Let me tell you…we worked hard this last week, but boy did we have some good laughs.  Most of the time, it was because we were all so sleep deprived and delirious, but regardless, I left with some great memories and inside jokes.

 Bumble bee, honey bee, wannabe...VOTE.
still laughing about this one!

The highlight of my trip was Bid Day!  All of their hard work paid off and I couldn’t have been more proud of them.  They had such a cute Tiffany & Co. theme and I could just tell how excited they were.

the chapter waiting to meet their "New Fall Collection 2011" :)

Still love my job, I promise.  I know I got complainy about the lack of sleep last week but it’s so worth it.  Anddddd you better believe the other consultants are getting even less sleep than me, so I really have nothing to complain about.  Love them, by the way.  There’s no way I would be able to do this without them!

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.” – Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

I’m so blessed to not only be constantly surrounded by wonderful collegians but also to have such a strong support system with the other consultants.  They weren’t joking with us when they said that one of the tough things about this job is that no one really understands what you’re going through except for the other consultants.  I thank God every day for bringing them into my life and giving me the support I'll need this year!

Last thing…please keep the Delta chapter in your thoughts and prayers this week, especially on Sunday.